O’Reilly Kilts – World’s top kilt makers

O’Reilly Kilts formerly known as OTB Kilts in Santa Cruz has relocated to Los Gatos.  We’ve also had a change with our web address and discontinued the otbkilts.com website in lieu of the www.oreillykilts.com site.  We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to serving your needs under this new company name.

We are a small boutique shop that provides individual attention and fittings to each customer. We provide the online store for your convenience and prefer the personal consultation to ensure our goal of superior service and customer satisfaction. Our passion is spent finding the best from the world’s top kiltmakers and accessory suppliers to provide the highest quality in traditional attire.  Our unique line of kilts come from Scotland, Ireland and Santa Cruz. We believe every man deserves to look his best and in a kilt no man could better!


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